Universität Bielefeld - Sonderforschungsbereich 360

Competitive Dynamics in Language Understanding

Suzanne Stevenson
Department of Computer Science and Center for Cognitive Science
Rutgers University

Wednesday, May 20th, 1998
14.15 h
Room: D6-135

A computational theory of human parsing is presented that models the sentence interpretation process as a competition for activation within a hybrid connectionist network. The hybrid approach supports the direct encoding of linguistic competence using simple symbolic features, and the weighting of performance effects using spreading activation. The competitive activation mechanism focuses the activation within the network onto a particular structural interpretation of the input, resolving syntactic ambiguities. The approach accounts for a number of syntactic preference and reanalysis behaviors, with no use of explicit preference heuristics or revision strategies. Instead, the behaviors arise from independently motivated aspects of the competitive activation mechanism.
Anke Weinberger, 1998-05-06