Universität Bielefeld - Graduiertenkolleg Aufgabenorientierte Kommunikation

The Rise and Fall of Generic Object Recognition

Sven Dickinson

Department of Computer Science and Center for Cognitive Science
Rutgers University

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000, 2.15 p.m., Hörsaal

Generic object recognition enjoyed the spotlight in the 1970's, sporting prototypical models composed of parameterized, 3-D volumetric parts. These systems were ambitious, but met with little practical success: they were slow, cubmersome, and often restricted to contrived scenes. Since then, research in object recognition has steadily moved away from generic object recognition and closer towards exemplar-based recognition, in which the exact geometry or appearance of an object instance is known. In this talk, I will discuss this trend and the effect it is having on the computer vision community. Next, I will review a number of generic object recognition systems that, over the years, have resisted this trend. Finally, I will discuss why the time is right for generic object recognition to make a comeback.
Anke Weinberger, 2000-04-19