Universität Bielefeld - Sonderforschungsbereich 360

Ecological Niche Fitting:
Mapping animal behavioral models to robot behavioral architectures

Ronald C. Arkin
College of Computing, Georgia Tech
Atlanta, U.S.A.

In a joint research project with neuroscientists at ITAM in Mexico City, we seek to gain an understanding and means by which fielded robotic systems can draw upon behavioral models of how biological agents interact with their environment. This can yield methods for minimizing a robot's competition with other agents that are more effective at their designated task, and to making robots successful competitors within their ecological system, capable of ultimately displacing less efficient agents. Our studies to date have focused on neuroscientifically-derived schema models of the praying mantis that provide a basis for a schema-based behavioral controller implemented both in simulation and on a robot hexapod.
Anke Weinberger, 1997-11-27